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Explores the origins and complexities of ideologies. Students will investigate, analyze and evaluate government policies and actions and develop individual and collective responses to contemporary local, national and global issues

Key Issue: To what extent should we embrace an ideology?






This semester students have learned about liberalism and political ideologies. Ideology are tied to the dynamics of society and with this basic idea and historical information students understand the power of an ideology. Political cartoons are a good example how ideologies can be portrayed in a humorous and metaphorical way. Have students get into groups and create a political cartoon that cover the following topics. Teachers can decide whether the students can take home this as a research project or use class time to develop the cartoon.


  • Carbon emissions

  • Capitalism

  • Economy Vs War

  • Environmental Issues



3.5 analyze the extent to which the practices of political an3.d economic systems reflect principles of liberalism (consensus decision making, direct and representative democracies, authoritarian political systems, traditional economies, free market economies, command economies, mixed economies) (PADM, ER, C)

3.4 explore the extent to which governments should encourage economic equality (PADM, ER, C)

3.9 evaluate the extent to which the principles of liberalism are viable in the context of contemporary issues (environment concerns, resource use and development, debt and poverty, racism, pandemics, terrorism, censorship, illiberalism) (PADM, ER, LPP)

4.1 appreciate the relationship between citizenship and leadership (C, I)

4.2 exhibit a global consciousness with respect to the human condition and world issues (C, GC)

4.3 accept responsibilities associated with individual and collective citizenship (C, GC)


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