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The way that our planet is growing in population while destroying the ground it needs to feed these people means that there is a serious food crisis. The process of feeding the planet is stripping the soil of nutrients, releasing more CO2 emissions than the automotive industry, and yet, a large portion of the planet's people are starving. Deciding to lead a more sustainable life is simple.


While farming is depicted as a beautiful thing, it is an inhumane process. People are told that this is the only way to feed the world's population, but there is another way. A way that the world can eat and maintain it is health at the same time.


Sustainable Agriculture:

"the production of food, fiber, or other plant or animal products using farming techniques that protect the environment, public health, human communities, and animal welfare"(Sustainable Table, 2015).



Sustainable Table (2015, November 9). Retrieved from

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